Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed" ... Fully Exposed

The human brain is designed to conspire.  Many of you have probably seen the conspiracy video recently gone viral, "The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed."  If you haven't watched it personally, you might want to exit this blog, go watch it, and then come back to get the full effect of what you're about to read.

The very first thing I'd like to make a point of is that this is NOT A GUN CONTROL thread and I am neither advocating nor criticizing gun control in this particular blog post.. and neither should you. Secondly, I AM NO EXPERT by any means.  I watched the video and much of it didn't add up to me, so I then started looking into all of its details for myself.  I was able to find very logical explanations for much of the argument the video poses (logical, meaning more probable/more likely), rather than just accepting some of its outlandish claims.  Also, I'm not claiming that I am right at all.  There were actually some points the video made that I had trouble finding information on.  I admit that, more than likely, there has been some misinformation about the situation, but the conclusion the video comes to is absolutely absurd.  I STRONGLY encourage you all to use the links I post and read for yourselves. That said, here we go...

In the beginning of the video, the commentator spends some time claiming that there must have been more than one shooter.  It shows a couple interviews that describe a second man on the scene and even gives video of a man being chased in the woods and arrested by police.  That is pretty convincing, but the man was Chris Manfredonia, the father of a 6-year-old girl who attends Sandy Hook.  Chris was heading to the school to make gingerbread houses with the first graders and heard the shooting from outside.  He ran frantically around the school trying to reach his daughter and was handcuffed by police.  You can read it here in an LA Times article.  As every person in the media was trying to be the first to report breaking news, they jumped too quickly and accredited this as a 2nd shooter.  As I said, I can prove nothing to be absolutely conclusive, but this seems much more logical than he being another man involved in some "scheme."

Moving on to the guns that were used and/or found in the vehicle Adam Lanza drove to the school.  I found more and more misconception and simply poor journalism.  This part is pretty short and sweet, really.  The media reports were confusing at first, so it's understandable how there was some misunderstanding.  Days after the shooting, CNN reported that the gun in the trunk WAS some sort of shotgun and the AR15 was the primary weapon discovered inside of the school.  Watching the video of the police handling the gun from the trunk, it's pretty obvious they're handling a shotgun.  I know many of the conspiracy people will say, "but that's CNN."  Truth is, you can find those reports on many credible websites.

This is one of my favorite tools of deception used in the video:  the rogue school nurse!  The author of the conspiracy video claims that the school nurse, Sally Cox, isn't a nurse at all.  In fact, it even shows a screen shot of the same type I'm going to show you.  In the nursing directory, the author typed in "Sally Cox," chose the state Connecticut and what do you know, she did not even exist.  Well, this is simple.  "Sally" is technically a variant for the name "Sarah," as you can see on this baby names website.  And, well.. let this picture speak for itself...

I think that wraps up the case of the rogue nurse.  But just in case you were wondering, you can also find her on the school's staff directory.  She claiming Adam's mom was a teacher, you can chalk that up to trauma.  The woman was in panic, give her a break.

I'm going to move onward and cover the part of this conspiracy that bothered me the most, Robbie Parker and his family.  Frankly, it made me very sad to see people attacking this poor man and his family.  The video has a few different angles it takes toward Robbie and his fallen daughter Emilie.  I'll start with the first claim, that he, amongst others, are "crisis actors."  Let me point a thing or two out about where this terrible misinformation came from.  It originated from WellAware1, where it has pictures identifying the Phelps family, also affected by the tragedy, as being crisis actors and actually being the son and daughter of baseball player Hank Greenburg. In the same picture, it also identifies the wife as the same person as Casey Anthony.  This terrible website just takes people who look alike and claims they're all the same person in some conspiracy.  Very notably, it also claims that Robbie Parker and family are ACTUALLY... wait for it.. Tony Hawk and family.  If that isn't laughable enough, read this where it claims Kermit Roosevelt was an actor who was ALSO Adolf Hitler and Walt Disney.  I hope you clicked on that and amused yourself.  Needless to say, NOT a credible source of information.  By the way, the real crisis actors organization is very offended about this accusation. 

The video also claims that Robbie made a facebook donation page just hours after the passing of his daughter.  You can read the posts and identify very easily that he wasn't the one who made the page, nor does it say created "the morning of" December 14th.  The commentator then tries to make a point by highlighting part of a post on the page, while adding for himself, "hours later... they don't know if Emilie is in the school of taken to the hospital."  That's taken out of context.  If you read the rest of the post, which he didn't highlight of course, it CLEARLY says "We apologize for the misinformation we gave you earlier.  But we know still that Emilie was a victim."  As far as the highlighted dates on the facebook pages that suggest they were created earlier... (cough) photoshop (cough).

So, what about Emilie Parker?  I'm not going to post any photos of her on here because there's a knot in my stomach just thinking about how these conspiracy theorists are trying to make an urban legend out of a real life situation, but I will commentate on it.  The video offers to us a family portrait, but fails to mention it was taken in 2010.  In the portrait, Emilie is wearing a dress and is with her family (parents and 2 younger sisters).  Two days after the tragedy, the family met with President Obama and, Madeline, the middle child was wearing the same dress as Emilie did in the photo from 2010.  Madeline and Emilie look A LOT alike.  Logically thinking, the parents kept the dress for Madeline to wear whenever she could fit into it.  The parents probably dressed her in it in remembrance of Emilie.  Being on such a big stage, they wanted to feel Emilie's presence. Here's a video covering some of this.  And, here, I linked some information and photos.

Throughout the entire video, the author claims that none of the parents are crying enough in the interviews and makes Robbie Parker into a villain for smiling before stepping onto the podium to speak.  This is a very touchy subject as well.  These parents, shown in many interviews that you can find online, are only human.  Some of them cry during interviews, some don't.  Not one of us regulates our emotions exactly as another person does.  The whole community of Newtown has been affected by this and it's impossible to do some kind of psychological evaluation based on the minimal camera time they have received.. especially if you're not a psychologist (which I'm guessing the video creator isn't).  Everyone mourns in his/her own way and it's nothing more than foolish to come to the conclusion that they're "actors" based on anything you see in those videos.  Especially noting where the whole crisis actor theory came from.

The video's conclusion (paraphrased):  the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a staged event and nobody was harmed.  Why would this happen?  So the government can push a gun control agenda:

In polls taken after the shooting, it's obvious that the American public is slightly in favor of stricter gun laws.  The Obama administration is only acting upon what the majority wants.  I won't even reflect on the "staged event" part of the conclusion, I'm pretty sure all the material I've covered previously in this post speaks volumes towards that.

The reason I went to the extent I did in researching all of this is because there are REAL people out there who are mourning still, and probably will be forever, because of this REAL tragedy.  To take their struggles and turn them into urban legends is doing almost as much damage as the shooter did that day.  It's one of the most immoral acts I've seen from so many people.  I'm just hoping to clarify some things. I do not believe a healthy mind only hears information and settles.  So, I encourage you to do the same, but read more than one source and do your best to keep them credible.  The internet fosters a new environment.  One where many people can use the communication skills we humans have been blessed with to achieve many things, including deception and misinformation.  It is a great tool if used rightfully and morally, but it is also just as easily abused.

ADDED: I forgot one detail sorry.  For all the people who mention the sandy hook fund from United Way being created 3 days early.  Google's search dates are not very accurate.  Here, I did a seach and you can see that there are articles much prior the date of the shooting.  Or, check the search link.

Check me out on Twitter:  @PrallyD

Good day all.  And until next time...

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