Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Long Overdue.

I consider myself a man of many generations...  probably just because I started college late so I interact with younger generations on a daily basis.  Nonetheless, I feel those words suit me well because I can relate to a wide range of age groups.  Anyways, this is my blog.  With my first post, I'm just going to keep it simple and let you know what this is all about.

For those of you who don't know, I'm Dusty Prall.  I've got a large set of nicknames, but we'll just leave it at my actual name for now.  I'm just an average 26 year old guy with an above average drive to express my thoughts in any way, shape, or form (hence the new desire to blog).  I have a huge drive to help others in any way and consider myself a "pay it forward" activist.  I'm currently a student at the University of Cincinnati, studying psychology and philosophy.  I live in Cincinnati, but I call Bellefontaine, Ohio my home.  You may as well not ask if you don't already know where it is because there really aren't any good reference points.  "An hour from (insert Ohio city here)," always seems to be the answer we Bellefontainians give, so I'll leave you with one reference:  Mad River Mountain.

Now that we got that out of the way, I feel the appropriate thing to do is to let you know what I will be blogging about.  Well, where do we start?  Philosophy, psychology, ideas, inspiration, politics, people, sports... I'll just stop.  Basically, I'll be blogging about anything and everything.  Why am I turning to a blog?  Well, twitter doesn't have enough characters, facebook is dying... also I hope I can reach out to some people with common interests, inspire a person or two, and open a mind up.  If I can accomplish those goals on any level, I'll be happy.

Many times, the issues I'll be blogging about will have more than one stance.  I strongly encourage anybody and everybody to criticize my stance(s) and comment on the posts.  I'm completely open to new thoughts and ideas and look forward to hearing yours because, frankly, I'm no expert.  I encourage these things in hope that you will all do it in a mature manner.  Refrain from cursing at one another, but I believe a solid debate is healthy for everybody.  Just a personal disclaimer, I will rarely use perfect grammar and/or spelling.  I'm blogging to express my thoughts outside the world of academia where every...single..detail.. must... be.. perfect.

Check me out on twitter: @PrallyD

Next blog post:  Many of you have seen the video "Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed," I'm sure.  I will be breaking it down, evaluating each of its claims, and I'm aiming to give logical explanations which contest the majority of the video.  I hope you're not holding too tightly onto the conspiracy train because I plan to loosen that grip. 


  1. You're going to be a great addition the blogger world! :)

    1. great addition TO the blogger world!**

    2. thanks, ali! i know you told me to start a blog about a year ago haha. i finally followed your advice. i'll keep it as entertaining as possible!
